Aquatic Ecosystems: Freshwater Mussel Research
Seeking conservative solutions for Texas’ freshwater mussel population
Addressing declines in biodiversity
The mussel team’s research takes place as freshwater ecosystems experience a far greater biodiversity decline than what is seen in most other affected terrestrial ecosystems.
Declines have been especially severe for certain groups of aquatic biota including freshwater mussels, Unionidae, which are now considered the most imperiled of all aquatic fauna. Of the 300 mussel species known to have occurred in the United States, 12 percent are thought to be extinct; 23 percent are considered threatened or endangered.
Meanwhile, across Texas, distribution and abundance declines have led to the listing of 15 species —roughly 29 percent of Texas’ 52 described species — as “threatened” at the state level. Of those, 12 species are either candidates for listing under the national Endangered Species Act (ESA) or are still being considered for protection under the ESA.
Conservation Status Maps
A Guide for Conservation Conservation status assessment maps are a way to efficiently determine the status of a given species and have been used in conservation assessments by U.S. Fish…
Host Fish Determination and Captive Propagation
The Mussel-Host Relationship Almost all of the 300+ species in North America need a host for their larvae to reach the juvenile stage. The host needed for each mussel species…
The need for data Geographic patterns of mussel species distributions, combined with information on the factors that contributed to their endangerment, are necessary for developing effective conservation strategies. For freshwater mussels,…
Mussel Research Group

Dr. Charles Randklev
Research Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator
A full selection of Dr. Randklev’s publications is available at TAMU Scholars along with information about researchers and peer-reviewed publications across The Texas A&M University System.

Dorothea Mildenberger
Graduate Assistant

Anna Eismont
Graduate Assistant

Dom Olesen
Graduate Assistant

Jordan Smith
Graduate Assistant