Palisades Zoysiagrass

This medium-coarse-texture zoysiagrass is heat tolerant, cold tolerant, and retains its color well in fall.

Agronomic Merits

  1. Medium-Coarse Texture
  2. High Visual Quality
  3. Rapid Establishment and Re-growth
  4. Good Fall Color Retention
  5. Shade Tolerant
  6. Salt Tolerant
  7. Cold Hardy
  8. Heat Tolerant
  9. Mowing height : 3.5 – 5.0 cm

Utility of Palisades

  1. Home Lawns
  2. Industrial Parks
  3. Golf Course Fairways and/or Roughs
  4. Highway Right-of-way
  5. Airport Grounds
  6. Recreational Areas

Agronomic Limitations

  1. Susceptible to Fall Armyworm